
Publication: Exosome-based Molecular Communications Glioblastoma Treatment

Outline of the Paper In the natural world, or in other words, the animal world, there are dynamical systems which involve interactions between animals of different species. An example of such dynamics is the interactions between a predator and a prey, for example a fox and a rabbit.

Bio-Nano researchers present at University Hospital Waterford 7th annual research conference

Overview The University Hospital Waterford 7th Annual Research Meeting was held virtually on the 29th of January of 2021 and showcased a wide variety of patient and health-related research done by the University Hospital Waterford and the worldwide scientific community.

Predator Prey Adaptive Control for Exosome based Molecular Communications Glioblastoma Treatment Presented at IEEE ICC 2021

Overview Walton Institute’s Caio Fonseca recently presented at this year’s IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). The ICC is one of the IEEE Communications Society’s two flagship conferences dedicated to driving innovation in communication.